Design Crush: Suzani

Design Crush: Suzani

Sometimes I come across an image that stops me in my tracks. That happened when I came across this:

Suzani Coverlet

Suzani Coverlet

When I saw this serene bedroom with a Suzani coverlet I thought “Where have you been all my life?!” Vintage suzanis have now been added to my growing thrift shopping wish-list.

A Suzani is an embroidered tribal textile made in Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan and other Central Asian countries. There are also beautiful Mexican Suzanis.

image via turkotek

image via turkotek

Now that Suszanis are on my radar, I see them everywhere. Like when I picked up the most recent edition of Yakima Magazine and saw one draped over Laurie Kanyer’s couch. Beautiful!

Here are a few others that have caught my eye–

image via Flickr--Romany Soup

image via Flickr–Romany Soup

image via House Beautiful

image via House Beautiful


image via Elle Decor

image via Elle Decor

And how sweet is this Mexican Suzani for a child’s bedroom?!

image via Table Tonic

image via Table Tonic


To see more beautiful textiles head over to Etsy and enter “Vintage Suzani” into the search bar.

What are you crushing on lately?