Life has been a little hectic lately and I’m feeling it. The remodel has been dirty, long, tiring (more on this soon when I can think again); work has had a similar feel with a bit of angst tossed in; and I’m out of routine, which for me is a struggle. Three saving graces: those people (you know who you are), my yoga class and funny stuff (not necessarily in that order). Oh, and dogs. Always, always dogs.
An example of something that made me laugh out loud this week:
Why did I laugh? Maybe because I often throw on ratty, old (as in, older than my 10 year old daughter) yoga pants that I love. Maybe because I often start the evening with a little vino. Maybe because I used to co-own a shop, so quirky retail makes me happy.
And maybe because even though I’m 36, the gap between here and 40 is closing rapidly. And who really cares about that? 39 is the new 21, after all.
Two side notes:
- yoga pants–I recently invested in a few new pair to wear to my class so that I don’t have to patch my old ones in unmentionable places. I call them my dress yoga pants.
- Sophie just looked at this post . . . She read the e-card and started giggling, “Oh I get it. Like Forever 21, but closer to your age.” I’m pretty sure I detected a small mocking tone in there somewhere.
I call my humor Pinterest board “The Best Medicine.” I feel like if I can laugh about something, I’m doing o.k.
And ultimately, I am doing o.k. I’ve upgraded my pants, made it to yoga once a week for a while now, and my husband and child still like me and enjoy making fun of me. It’s all good!
To celebrate this and the fact that tomorrow is Friday, a few more funnies:
And, let’s not forget our crucial friend, Grammar: