Enjoying the Next 10 Days–Gift & Entertaining Inspiration

Enjoying the Next 10 Days–Gift & Entertaining Inspiration

Today marks the 10 day countdown until Christmas.  How is this even a possibility? Most of the last week I’ve spent with a sinus infection and have barely moved from couch/bed.  I’ve gotten nothing done and the only visions dancing in my head are of antibiotics and clear nasal passages.  This morning I spent a little time feeling sorry for myself and then I realized that my predicament is far from the end of the world and though not all of my Christmas prep may get done this year, we will still have a wonderful time together with family and friends.

In the spirit of trying to slow down and with a full heart for the many loves in my life, I am rejecting stress and am calling on some festive ghosts of Christmas past to help me celebrate this year.  I’ve spent some time today combing through past posts and pulling things related to gift-giving, entertaining and Christmas morning.  I was reminded of some quick, fun ideas and I hope they are helpful for you too.  Here’s what I found (follow the links to the view the complete posts):

Stocking Stuffers and Hostess Gifts (2012)

pic monkey collage

Top Ten Stocking Stuffers (2011)

Great Grandma’s Sugar Cookies–Super simple and delicious freezer cookies that you can decorate as you please!

The Marez Family’s Favorite Cookie:  Scandinavian Almond Bar (2011)

Hot Chocolate Bar (2011)–Fun for the little (and big) kids:

Stacie’s Blackberry Lemon Sparkler (2012)


Stacie’s Top 10 Children’s Books (2011)–Perfect place to start for the kids on your list:

Top 10 Hostess Gifts (2011)

Stacie’s Shop Local for Great Holiday Gifts (2012)

Merry & Bright (2012)–Christmas reflections and a few simple crafts:

My 6-CD changer in my car is loaded with Christmas tunes– (lovely & melancholy), (folky), (rock vibe), (magical).  If you see me stopped at a light, chances are my mouth is open wide and I am harmonizing at the top of my lungs, giving O Holy Night my very best shot.  This is the (one) time of year I consistently get out my guitar and some old sheet music.  It is a time of JOY . . . I just can’t help myself. My house is a happy explosion of pine boughs, holly, lights and glitter.  It is warm inside and the fire is on . . . at the very heart of me, I feel at home. – See more at: https://hometownperch.com/2012/12/merry-bright/#sthash.FnkH3SEQ.dpuf

Stacie’s Christmas Morning Breakfast Menu (2011)

My favorite quick, decadent Christmas morning casserole:  Baked Egg Custard with Gruyere.  You can do nearly everything the night before and just pop in the oven on Christmas morning.

To end on a sweet note,  an excerpt from my post, Friday Night In (2011):

Mid-movie, we took a break for our snack:  Salted Caramel Hot Chocolate! 

We thought about making our own chocolate mix, but due to our movie goals, decided to go with Safeway’s version.  We heated milk in a pan and added a little less chocolate than the directions required, whisking as we went.  We then put in a tablespoon of Sauce (the BEST caramel I have ever had!!!), and whisked away some more.  Tip:  go easy on the caramel at first and add to taste.

Once our mixture was hot, we poured into mugs, topped with whipped cream and a bit of coarse sea salt.  I found it easiest to pour a little sea salt into my hand and then sprinkle on top.

I wish you and yours a magical week before Christmas!

The Holy Grail: Balance

The Holy Grail: Balance

I have been out of blogging mode for a while now and the sheer craziness of the last month has done nothing to help my slacking.  I told Stacie this week:  I promise I’m getting back on the bandwagon!

So, here I am, admitting that I am behind in most every aspect of my life, exhausted in mind and certainly spirit.  I am worried about the health of some very dear family members, I have been working long hours and sleep is not coming easily. The old adage about a chicken with its head cut off is sadly a great way to describe me.

And what to do when you don’t even recognize yourself?  That’s where I’m at and here’s the word that keeps coming to mind:  balance.  Why is it that the simplest concepts (love thy neighbor, save first, breathe, drink 8 glasses of water, don’t run with scissors) are so damned hard to get a handle on?  And it’s not even a new quest for me–balance is my holy grail, never quite getting my hands on it, but setting out again and again, progressing slowly toward, at least, understanding. 

Moving into a new week, with packed days and worry perched on my shoulder like an ugly, black, matted crow, I am reminding myself of the following:

  • Show/tell the people you love that you love themNothing else matters all that much, but when business makes an entrance, this most vital piece can take a back seat.
  • Your job does not save anyone’s lifeTherefore, do a little reality check and rearrange priorities–it is not possible to be all things to all people.  That right there is a sure recipe for early onset insanity.
  • It is holiday time and you love, LOVE holiday time!  It is nearly inconceivable that it is past mid-November, but it is.  That is the truth and it is time to kick in with some spirit.
  • BREATHE.  Go to your yoga classAt least one.
  • Give yourself a break.  You aren’t perfect (not even close) and that is o.k.
  • If you’re going to watch TV, ditch the crime dramas and watch something funnyThe already overwhelmed brain does not need to focus on murderers, rapists and the lot.

This list is far from comprehensive, so some wisdom from others who have given this some thought:

It is not work that kills men; it is worry. Worry is rust upon the blade.
Henry Ward Beecher


My lovely friend, Allison, has this next one nailed.  At work she coined the phrase “Laps not naps” to get us outside on a brisk walk during the mid-afternoon slump.  Getting a little perspective, a bit of space, never hurt anyone.stepoutside harmony

balance extremes

And this one is resonating, especially as we walk with family through some difficult times:



And just because:

glitterI feel a little better.  Funny what some thought, inspiration and a deep breath can accomplish.  Happy new week!

Banner photo:  Sophie’s lovely snow creature from last year.  Looking forward to what we’ll create over the next few winter months.

Fall Cooking

Fall Cooking

The weather has just started to turn and already my head is full of soups, crockpots and baked goods.  A recent visit to Trader Joe’s revealed multiple pumpkin-inspired foods–bring on the pie!  And the bread and the lattes and . . .


On a recent, sunny morning I sat at the table with a cup of tea—my Cooking Light magazine on one side and my phone, featuring Pinterest recipes, on the other.  I plotted food for the week.

Later in the day, Doug & I picked a million tomatoes and brought them inside.  I chopped some garlic and onions and tossed them into some olive oil.  As they sizzled, I cleaned and cut the tomatoes, adding them in the pot as I went.  An eclectic mixture of music playing in the background, I was happy in my warm kitchen dressed in yoga pants and flashy apron.  Once the tomatoes were all in the pot, I added a little red wine (while I drank a little red wine) and a variety of spices:  bay leave, fresh marjoram & basil from our garden, thyme and cinnamon.  I can’t exactly give a recipe because I just add a little, taste, and add a little more of whatever I feel like.  My favorite ingredient is the cinnamon—it’s a lovely counterpart to the tart tomatoes.

This sauce simmered for several hours as we went about our day.  I chopped enough onions and garlic for the next recipe in line (White Bean Chicken Chili) and put together my grocery list.

White Bean Chicken Chili  from Cooking Classy


  • 1 lb boneless skinless chicken breasts, diced into 1/2-inch pieces
  • 1 small yellow onion, diced
  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • 2 (14.5 oz) cans chicken broth
  • 1 (4 oz) can diced green chilies
  • 1 1/2 tsp cumin
  • 3/4 tsp paprika
  • 1/2 tsp dried oregano
  • 1/2 tsp ground coriander
  • 1/4 tsp cayenne pepper
  • salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste
  • 1 (8 oz) pkg cream cheese, cut into 12 slices
  • 1 1/4 cup fresh or frozen corn
  • 2 (15 oz) cans Cannelini beans, drained and rinsed
  • 1 Tbsp fresh lime juice
  • Chopped fresh cilantro, for serving
  • Shredded Monterrey Jack cheese, for serving
  • Tortilla chips, for serving (optional)


  • Heat olive oil in a 6 quart enamled dutch oven over medium-high heat. Once oil is hot, add chicken and diced onion and saute until chicken is no longer pink, about 6 minutes. Add garlic and saute 30 seconds longer. Add chicken broth, green chilies, cumin, paprika, oregano, coriander, cayenne pepper and season with salt and pepper to taste. Bring mixture just to a boil then reduce heat and simmer 15 minutes.
  • Add cream cheese and stir until nearly melted (it will break down in little bits and will appear to look like separated cheese but it will eventually melt). Stir in corn, and 1 can of Cannellini beans, then process 3/4 of the remaining beans along with 1/4 cup broth from the soup in a food processor until pureed, add bean mixture to soup along with remaining 1/4 can of beans (you can skip the pureeing step and just add the beans directly to soup, the soup just won’t be quite as creamy). Simmer about 15 minutes longer. Mix in fresh lime juice and serve with Monterrey Jack cheese, chopped cilantro and tortilla chips for dipping if desired.

Next recipe on my docket:  Crispy Fish with Lemon-Dill Sauce from Cooking Light

 What delicious comfort foods are you whipping up these days?


Yakima Inspired Fall Appetizers & Drinks

Yakima Inspired Fall Appetizers & Drinks

Here is a quick overview of the recipes we’ll be making today at the fair!  Photos added below:

Fall Crostini


  • Fresh Baguette–pick up something yummy from your local bakery or grocery store
  • Goat cheese–we love the cheese from Tieton Farms Creamery
  • Pears & plums–the plums came from Doug & Mandi’s tree and the Asian pears from Johnson Orchards
  • Honey–also from Central Washington
  • Cinnamon

Turn your oven on broil.  Slice baguette & brush with melted butter.  Place in oven for a few minutes–you’ll want to keep your eye on the progress and pull out once the tops are lightly browned.

Top with goat cheese & thin slices of pear & plum.

Drizzle with honey & sprinkle a light amount of cinnamon.

Mini Pumpkin Pancakes (recipe from allrecipes.com)


  • 1 1/2 cups milk
  • 1 cup pumpkin puree
  • 1 egg
  • 2 tablespoons vegetable oil
  • 2 tablespoons vinegar
  • 2 cups all-purpose flour
  • 3 tablespoons brown sugar
  • 2 teaspoons baking powder
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1 teaspoon ground allspice
  • 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground ginger
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt

In a bowl, mix together the milk, pumpkin, egg, oil and vinegar. Combine the flour, brown sugar, baking powder, baking soda, allspice, cinnamon, ginger and salt in a separate bowl. Stir into the pumpkin mixture just enough to combine.

Heat a lightly oiled griddle or frying pan over medium high heat. Pour or scoop the batter onto the griddle, using approximately 1/4 cup for each pancake. Brown on both sides and serve hot.

Warm Cinnamon Apples (recipe from myrecipes.com)


  • 4 apples, peeled and sliced (about 2 lb.)
  • 1/2 cup firmly packed light brown sugar
  • 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg
  • 2 tablespoons water
  • 1 tablespoon butter

Toss together first 4 ingredients in a large zip-top plastic bag, tossing to coat apples.

Cook apple mixture, 2 Tbsp. water, and 1 Tbsp. butter in a medium saucepan over medium heat, stirring occasionally, 8 to 10 minutes or until apples are tender.

Salted Caramel Ginger Bourbon Cider (recipe adapted from There Will Be Bourbon)

  • 2 oz. Bourbon
  • 3 oz. apple cider–look for local, freshly-pressed cider
  • 1.5 oz. ginger beer
  • Salted caramel sauce (buy a delicious one, like our favorite Copper Pot Caramel Sauce, or make your own)

Place a small amount of caramel sauce on a plate.  Microwave for 10 seconds if the caramel has a harder consistency.  Once the caramel is liquid, dip the rim of your glass (champagne classes work well) in the caramel.

Mix Bourbon and cold apple cider in a cup (or use a cocktail shaker filled with crushed ice). Pour into the glass.

Top with cold ginger beer.  Taste and adjust.  I like a little extra ginger beer–it adds fizz and cuts the sweetness of the Bourbon & cider.

Note:  remove the Bourbon and this makes an excellent non-alcoholic beverage!

Fair 2013 b

Fair 2013 c

Fair 2013 d

Fair 2013 e

Fair 2013

Art in the Orchard 2013

Art in the Orchard 2013

This Saturday, September 7, marks the third annual Art in the Orchard.   Local artists will set up shop at Johnson Orchards from 10am-4pm to raise money for Children’s Village. All donations and 20% of art proceeds will go to help children with special health care needs in our community.  Read more on the Children’s Village blog.

Last year, Doug, Sophie & I atteneded and had a great time tromping through the orchard and shopping.  The weather was beautiful (as it’s supposed to be this weekend!), the art was unique and the setting stunning.  If you’ve never attended the event, you can get a glimpse from the post I wrote last year (Read the full post here):

Last Saturday Johnson Orchards hosted the second annual Art in the Orchard, an event to benefit Children’s Village (CV).  Katie Buck, a Pediatric Physical Therapist at CV, and long term friend and employee of Johnson Orchards, came up with the idea of combining her two passions to benefit CV.

The orchard setting was unique and festive, the rows dappled with a wide variety of Yakima Valley artists and their work.  In addition to live music, there was an abundance of fruit and baked goods in Johnson’s retro warehouse.

A few of the artists we came across:

Nicole Murphy () brought her whimsical felt creations and lovely quilted pieces.

Oh, and look at this sweet, sweet couple.  My parents (Native Habits) rocked the show and had a spectacular day visiting and selling my dad’s custom bird houses and regionally inspired watercolors.

Lucy Valderhaug (LV Design Jewelry) and her beautiful handcrafted jewelry.

Jumping Mouse Studio’s husband and wife team, Timmothy and Sarah Wauzynski, put together a wonderful display full of her watercolors and his tumbleweed-inspired bowls and yard art.

Art in the Orchard is the perfect opportunity to enjoy friends, buy something beautiful for your home or get your Christmas shopping started–all while helping kids in our community!  Definitely a win-win.

Banner image courtesy of the Children’s Village blog

A New Routine

A New Routine

It is time for a new morning routine.  I’ve been considering this idea for awhile . . . as if it requires a great amount of planning and deliberation.  To clarify, it doesn’t.  All it takes is actually doing it.  A few week’s ago, in another post, I wrote the following:

“I’m a little obsessed right now with the idea of transforming my morning to make room for my sanity (writing, photography, yoga).  What are my mornings like now?  Notice the sun is in my eyes.  It is 5 a.m.  Turn over and ignore said sun.  Daisy walks over and nudges me with her nose.  I let her out.  I leave the door open and climb back into bed.  I fall asleep . . . slightly.  Daisy lets me know she’s back in.  I roll over.  I start to think. I don’t want to think so I grab my phone.  5:45.  I click on pinterest and aimlessly wander the online bulletin boards of people I love and those I’ve never met.  I stop in at Facebook to see my friends’ kids and some random political ranting.  I finally drag myself out around 6:15/6:30 and the mad rush begins.”

Since this post, a selection of diary entries from the last few weeks as I’ve attempted to get into gear:

  • 7/30 I’m pissed off that I’ve been sitting around for 2 weeks and I’ve done nothing . . . To clarify, I’ve done stuff, a lot of stuff, just not the stuff I really WANT/need to do.  What the *^%$#@*&^?  Why is this so hard?
  • 7/31 Woke up early and laid in bed . . . looked at my phone for awhile . . . picked it up and looked at Pinterest.  (Crap!)
  • 8/2 Woke up at 5:45 . . . closed my eyes and imagined roaming around the yard . . . Got up at 5:50, put on my robe and flip flops, found my camera in the kitchen and went outside to get some shots.  Wandered up the north side of our property, capturing . . . 6:10 a.m.–back inside to do a morning yoga routine.  A few photos from this lovely, cloudy morning:



Concorde grapes stretching upward.



The first rose to catch my eye.


A sea of grasses, roses, and Russian Sage.


A tale of 3 tomato plants gone wild.


Confetti in the grass.


A blossom sneaks through the fence.


Coral roses edging the front walk.



And my favorite yellow rose.

8/10 Get up at 6:15 and head out to the yard with Doug.  He is dressed properly–jeans & t-shirt. I am wandering around in my robe like someone of a certain age who refuses to do any household related task without the requisite dressing gown.  But–and here’s the beauty–I don’t care.  I honestly don’t.  Most of my neighbors are still in bed and we have great neighbors anyway . . . so if I want to wander in my grey, plush, polka-dot robe, who on this great, green, beautiful planet is going to care?  So, Doug and I–unequally dressed as we are–pick some tomatoes and then I go to town on my roses.  It is just slightly brisk, it is quiet, the world is light and silence and it is the perfect time to trim and weed and prune.  Then, back inside,  yoga stretches and a ride to nowhere on my exercise bike.

So, what’s next?  The true benefit of this routine will come from the habitual so the new goal is not just to do it, but to do it regularly.  I don’t want to be tied to the same things every day.  I want to get up a little early, I want to go outside, I want to come back in and stretch my body.  That’s all–how that time is broken down will be dependent on mood.  And this winter I’ll be figuring out how to easily bundle up and keep the outdoors a part of the experience.

Today, I am celebrating change, however small.  Here is to each precious day and what each of us chooses to do with it!


A Visit with Carole Folsom-Hill

A Visit with Carole Folsom-Hill

Last week, Stacie and I found ourselves in a SE Yakima garden surrounded by fruit trees grafted into creative varieties, flowers, strolling/strutting (cat/rooster) animals and lovely, shaded sitting spots.  We were there to meet with Carole Folsom-Hill, Executive Director of La Casa Hogar and current candidate for Position 7 on the Yakima City Council.  Stacie has known Carole for a couple of years, but this was my first opportunity to visit with her.  And I loved every second–2 hours passed in what seemed like a matter of minutes.


Why?  Because Carole Folsom-Hill is a person driven by a deep desire to listen, to understand and to impact.  Her career is a glimpse into this drive:  beginning as a community health educator, she went back to school for her Master’s and then to work for Mental Health Services (now Central Washington Comprehensive Mental Health).  Carole worked as a mental health therapist, worked for Neighborhood Services (City of Yakima) engaging citizens in the planning process, ventured out as a small business owner for several years and following more schooling, as a case manager at New Hope Clinic, working with AIDS patients.

And then a new opportunity–Carole was asked to join La Casa Hogar, an organization in her neighborhood dedicated to “building a foundation for growth and empowerment through healthy kids, healthy moms, healthy families, healthy schools, and healthy community.”  At that point, unable to speak Spanish, Carole wasn’t sure she was the one for the job.  But she did realize that through many, many years of community work, she understood the culture, and maybe, just maybe, this was the place for her.  And in her words, after 13 years as Executive Director, La Casa represents “the coming together of all of me.


So why city council now?

Because after “years of experience building to this place, it was time to pay attention and to follow what comes.“  Carole described this coming together, her internal instincts matching what is inside her head–a calling.  And after years of impacting her work, her family, her neighborhood, she is more than ready and would like to bring a different perspective to the council:

  • she lives in SE Yakima and has for over 30 years–it is her home
  • she speaks regularly with the homeless, understanding the needs of the least fortunate among us
  • she works with the immigrant community
  • she is an advocate for voice, accessibility, services and opportunities for jobs, education, HOPE

And what is her goal for the council?  To come up with a “viable, hopeful, realistic vision” that includes:

  • building bridges between communities
  • becoming a healthy Yakima, thriving and enterprising
  • offering clean, beautiful neighborhoods
  • supporting our youth (“The youth are the responsibility of the whole community”)
  • providing an environment where children can thrive
  • providing intervention for children to circumvent gang involvement (Carole is part of the Gang Free Initiative committee)
  • providing support for parents
  • creating an active and healthy community–more walking paths, bike paths, innovative public transportation

And how will this happen?

Carole would like to see city council go to the people:  getting out there, making a connection!  Listening & helping people have a voice.  Supporting “visioning leaders who the community will follow.”

There is no doubt Carole Folsom-Hill is kind; she is compassionate, she is giving.  And she is equally brilliant and driven.  She has made (beautiful, big) waves and will continue to because we will not get better if we don’t change our approach.  And change, though it fills some with uneasiness, is the very thing that we need to become what we know we can be.

As we talked, Carole spoke often of her “passion for the neighborhood.“  There is no doubt that this drives her every day.  Some of the things Carole said continue to echo through my mind:

  • “Listening works magic”
  • “. . . facilitating collaboration and connecting communities”
  • “The youth are the responsibility of the whole community”
  • “Provide an environment where children can thrive”

And so I think two things:  How will I help make this Yakima?  &  Where is my ballot?

Time to vote.




Summer Reading List 2013

Summer Reading List 2013

Back from vacation and finishing up the books I started while sleepily reading in the heat of mid-day sun lounging on the dock or perched on the edge of our inflatable mattress, stealing a few morning minutes before I joined the crew for coffee/tea & sweet family time.  Accepting the norm, with life crazy and constantly bleating in my ear, I often go too long without the delicious feeling of being sucked into a story–true, false or somewhere in between.  My pre-vacation ritual is almost better than the reading itself:  a lunch break, a stop at Starbucks and a time of wandering the shelves at inklings.

I left for the Pend Orielle River with a book bag full of possibility and was not disappointed.  I relied heavily on NPR’s summer reading list which proved wise indeed.  The two gems from that list:

Daily Rituals by Mason Currey–I’m a little obsessed right now with the idea of transforming my morning to make room for my sanity (writing, photography, yoga).  What are my mornings like now?  Notice the sun is in my eyes.  It is 5 a.m.  Turn over and ignore said sun.  Daisy walks over and nudges me with her nose.  I let her out.  I leave the door open and climb back into bed.  I fall asleep . . . slightly.  Daisy lets me know she’s back in.  I roll over.  I start to think. I don’t want to think so I grab my phone.  5:45.  I click on pinterest and aimlessly wander the online bulletin boards of people I love and those I’ve never met.  I stop in at FaceBook to see my friends’ kids and some random political ranting.  I finally drag myself out around 6:15/6:30 and the mad rush begins.

How could it look?  That is what I’m working on.  And it has to do with bravery, strangely enough, at least for me.  Am a brave enough to just get out of bed and try to do what I’ve imagined doing?  I’m not even going to write about it until I’ve tried it for a week.  I know exactly how I want it to go–in theory.

Back to the book:  It is bizarre, interesting, sometimes wonderfully mundane:  the daily rituals of the artists, writers, philosophers whom we admire.  How did they commit to their craft?  What did their days look like?  In short vignettes, this book offers a glimpse of the every day habits that resulted in great things.  Um . . . and did I mention weird?  There’s some really strange stuff.  There’s a part about snails that nearly did me in.  But, if you enjoyed The Talented Mr. Ripley, you have nothing to complain about.  And if that is too cryptic, you’re going to have to read the book.

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Life After Life by Jill McCorkle–My husband has a tremendous passion for the elderly and providing care that far surpasses the ordinary.  His love drew me toward this novel, a glimpse into the lives of assisted living residents and those who care for them.  I was in tears in the first chapter and kind of turned off in the second.  The third grabbed my attention and I love the style of the novel:  written in the voice of many characters, taking turns to tell their story (similar to The Help).  I’m not yet finished, but I’m loving the journey.


And not on NPRs list, but fun none the same:

Tripwire–Doug and I watched the movie Jack Reacher and then while I was shopping at inklings, I came across some of Lee Childs’ novels.  I’ve never read him before, but thoroughly enjoyed the thriller I picked up.  It was published around 13 years ago but, outside of humorous technological flashes to the past, it was a great vacation read, fast-paced with a compelling plot.



And a literary mystery I happened upon, Elegy for April, by Benjamin Black–beautifully written, slow-moving, but in a coaxing, languid kind of way.  I was compelled to keep reading, and though sometimes frustrated by the pace, I was  intrigued.  The end, however, was disappointing.  My conclusion:  I would not recommend this novel in particular; however, I would highly recommend trying out the author and will be giving him another shot myself.

elegyfor april9781429935876_p0_v2_s260x420


I’m almost done with Life After Life.  What to read next?  Suggestions, please :) !

Banner image courtesy of Book Riot

Pop Up Shop

Pop Up Shop

On Sunday, my parents and their much-beloved neighbor and friend, Mary, created a Pop Up Shop to celebrate the recent launch of  my parents’ website, Native Habits.  What is a pop-up shop?  It is just as it sounds:  where once a shop did not exist, suddenly (pop!), it does.  With Midge & Dale’s (mom & dad’s) stunning yard as the backdrop, we went to work decking the pathways and bejeweling the patios/decks with beautiful found, vintage objects and my dad’s amazing creations.  To top it all off, beverages and snacks were served to keep everyone happy & browsing (Mary made these incredible cupcakes–chocolate with a peanut butter Lindt truffle baked inside and peanut butter, cream cheese frosting on top.  I  know.)


What an entry! My dad created this water feature from an antique water pump:



A red wine bar, turquoise chair & found objects:


Stylish fun for the kids:



A lush backdrop to enjoy while shopping:









Love the use of branches to send creeping vines skyward rather than trailing over the pot:



And besides the scenery & the cool stuff, there were also great people!




Dylan & Stacie


Mike & Kathy Paulson & Joani


Close-ups of some of the goods:












Treasures in my dad’s shop, beginning with the vibrant blue screen door:



Vintage lights with Edison bulbs & hardwood boxes


Vintage radio wine bars


Hardwood knives in their own boxes


And what a way to end the evening, paying the lovely lady on your way out:



Want to be included in the next pop up sale?  Email and we’ll add you to the list.  Interested in some of the pieces above?  Check out the Native Habits site or email Dale & Midge Peterson at for a tour.


Food Love

Food Love

How lucky am I to live in Yakima?  This unsung, desert-y town makes me happy.  The weather this week has been perfect to a tee, we are surrounded by orchards and farms offering snazzy, fresh produce and we have innovative people creating amazing food & beverage.

I think about food a lot (pretty much mentally on to the next meal once I’ve completed the one in front of me).  Much of what I eat is pretty routine—smoothie for breakfast almost every morning, nuts/fruit/yogurt for a snack, so on and so forth.  Kind of boring, but I’m ok with that most of the time.

When I step outside of the ordinary, Yakima steps up to the plate.

Some recent obsessions:

 Imogene’s—How I love to order my Friday lunch from .  I hop onto FaceBook on Monday and drool over the menu for the next Friday.  I take two seconds to add my order to the FB page and on Friday, between 9 and 12, I have a vibrant, delicious meal delivered to work.  Friday has been my favorite day since I started attending school at 5—now it is my favorite day times 10!

Planning an upcoming event?  Imogene’s caters!



Copper Pot at the Farmer’s Market—The Yakima Farmers’ Market continues to grow each year.  We love to head down Sunday mornings with the Fam and stock up on fruits, veggies & cheese (yay for local cheese!).  This year we have a really difficult time making it past the new Copper Pot stand without indulging in an ice cream sundae.  Featuring Winegar’s ice cream, homemade in Ellensburg, and Copper Pot’s signature caramel sauce, these sundaes are perfect.


 Bale Breaker—Enjoyed my first trip to Bale Breaker Brewing Company to celebrate Johnny Roger’s birthday.  I am nowhere near the level of beer connoisseur, but my dad, husband and John definitely fit that bill.  They love the beer and I enjoyed it too.  On top of that, the taproom has a cool, industrial feel and and outdoor area has plenty of seating and room to roam.  There are yard games set up and kids and pups are welcome.  And–great news–Imogene’s will be serving their creative and delicious fare starting Friday’s in late June.


Photo courtesy of balebreaker.com


Lights in the taproom


Sophie & the hops


Outdoor games